
One of my FaVORiTE things- tutorial


  I wish I could say the title of this post in my best Oprah-isc voice! I loved to watch her FaVORITE things show each year. 
{By the way are you watching her Lifeclass on OWN?  I love it, lots of good lessons to learn} 

Ok, now back to one of my FaVORITE things to do in the Fall. 
I absolutely adore glittering pie pumpkins to use in my home decor throughout the season. 
{* FYI- watch Studio 5 tomorrow at 11 for more pumpkin decorating ideas I'm going to share} 

**Glittered Pumpkin Tutorial**

Step 1-  Select a cute little Pie/Sugar Pumpkin
{Yes, it is a ReaL one, I don't like using fake pumpkins & gourds. They are only about $1} 
Wash & dry it well before you begin

Step 2- Get your Glitter ready.  
I only like to use Martha Stewart Glitter or Art Glitter.  The glitter is super fine & extra sparkly- trust me the extra little bit you'll spend {or WiN- details to come} is worth it! Plus, the glitter really goes a long way.  
{By the way- Art Glitter has 100's of colors to choose from} 

Step 3- Grab some Modge Podge 
{liquid love- I use this all the time!} 
& a foam brush

Step 4- Don't forget to have a tray or a wide piece of paper to set your pumpkin on to collect all the glitter that falls off when glittering.  You want to be able to save every last little bit of glitter to use again for your next project. 

 Step 5- You're ready to Glitter!
Brush one side of the pumpkin completely with a light coat of Modge Podge & then sprinkle on the glitter.  Be sure to cover every nook & cranny of the pumpkin
{it looks cuter that way}
Just keep applying glue & sprinkling with glitter until it is completely covered & let dry. I like to use any color of orange glitter, dark brown or even a light pink/champagne color for the pumpkins.  I like to have a diversity of colors of pumpkins to use in my Fall decor. 
{I have even used a glo-in -the dark glitter before for some FuN!}

Step 6-  Display, sit back & enjoy! 
One place I HaVE to put a glittered pumpkin up every year is on my upstairs mantle I love when the light comes in through the windows in the afternoon & hits it just right & it just sparkles! 

? Honeybee wants to know- have you ever glittered a pumpkin before?  
{they are not only great for your home decor but make great little gifts for a neighbor or friend- I have given many away in my day} 

I was in line at the supermarket last week & the cashier asked me what I was going to make with the pie pumpkins I was buying- when I told her I was going to glitter them she couldn't believe it but she wanted to make some too.  Maybe she'll see the blog & try to make one herself.  If you haven't made one before I hope you give it a try- it's super easy & you'll love having it up until Thanksgiving too- trust me! 

-Remember to watch Studio 5 tomorrow on Channel 5 at 11:00 a.m. {if you live in Utah- like me} & then check back on my blog for a chance to win something to help you with your next glittering project- 
{don't worry if you live out of state I'll post the link & you can still enter the GiVEAWAY} 

Off to finish up some last minute details- 


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