
Oh, I needed this!


  I came home today from getting my hair cut, colored & curled {Thanks Tex!}to find a package waiting for me on our front porch. 

{Really, I feel like I just got a big boost of Creative Juices when I opened the package} 

Look at all this fabulous paper I ordered to create wonderful Holiday decor with- YiPPEEI mean just look at the combination of Reds, Greens, Blues, Mustards & Turquoise- 
I'm as giddy as a kid in a candy store! 

I'm super excited now to start designing for the
-Holiday Hive- 
Yes... you heard me right the Holiday Hive
 {a sweet little boutique
is coming & will be here before you know it!! 
The 10th & 11th of November to be exact so circle your calender, call up all your friends & check back for fun GiVEAWAYS & such. There will be some super charming things available & some new faces to The Hive too- yeah! 

But.. before I get too much in the Holiday spirit I need to enjoy the Fall a bit more & I get to do that on Studio 5 this Friday @ 11:00.  
I sure hope you can tune in-
I'll be sharing {& showing} some of my favorite tips for decorating Pumpkins.  
{It should be fun!}

Just wanted to share my JoY today! Isn't it funny how some colorful vibrant papers can just make your day?  
{At least it did for me today- I love color!!}

I'll be back to show you want I'm dreaming up with it- in love with some of the papers & dreaming up wonderful frames, holiday memory cards & much MORE!

Happy Joyful Day! 

1 comment:

Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}