
I have seen the light!


 Even if it is just the soft glow of the Harmon's sign glowing in the Autumn evening air. Yes, I finally discovered Harmon's for the 1st time & I must say- I loved it! 
{My friend Terra has been telling me to go there for years}

I decided to check out their newest store in Farmington this weekend during an impromptu moment.  My plans changed one night & I found myself left home alone while everyone else {in the family} was off somewhere.  I am currently in the middle of preparations with my friend Nicole for our turn at hosting Gourmet Club the end of this month so I knew I needed to get some grocery items 
{& sometimes they are a little unusual when you are 
preparing a gourmet feast} 
I thought Harmon's would be the answer for me & hopefully a one-stop shop. I am happy to say that is was.  I was able to get every single thing on my really long list of supplies to get!  

I wondered around for an hour going up & down each aisle & dreaming of having a date night there with Ty soon just doing some groc. shopping & eating at the deli
{which according to the cashiers happens alot there} 
& then maybe going to see a movie right across the parking lot, or taking a cooking class that they have or maybe just going next door & shopping  at Home Goods.  
{which I did by the way & found the greatest pillows- 
LOVE that store!}

Anyway just wanted to share if you haven't been yet you need to check in out. Right off of 1-15 on the West side of Farmington.  I'm looking forward to spending a day next month there for lunch & shopping with the Cultivate girls for a monthly get together- should be fun! 

? Honeybee wants to know- If you shop @ Harmon's what is your favorite thing about it or what should I for sure try next time I'm there?  

My favorite thing just might be what I saw in the produce section-  this may just be my new favorite quote. 

I mean come on- who could not love a store that has this philosophy!  It's got me hooked for sure & hungry for some carrot cake too ;)  

By the way I'm so happy that I finally upgraded my cell phone so that I can pull it out & take pictures all the time wherever I am.  I used to be "old school" with the phone I had 
{even the old texting of having to hit each key 1-3 times to get the letter I wanted}
& it took me awhile to get used & appreciate my new phone but I am happy with it. 



  1. You know I love Harmon's! I know Vanessa's favorite thing is their sugar cookies. I love the produce section & their bread. So yummy. Since it is so close to work, we go there for lunch all the time.

    I need to come up and good visit HomeGoods with you guys and maybe stop by Harmon's for a treat. :)

  2. I love the new Harmon's. I don't go there much, but when I do it is a treat! So many fun things to look at. My favorite is the salad bar and the muffins are really good from the bakery. :)

  3. Thanks Becca & Lesa for answering the Honeybee wants to know ? - you guys are awesome! I can't wait to try out the salad bar it looks awesome & I'm always up for a sugar cookie.

  4. Oh...That Harmons store is aMaZinG!! The first time i went there i wanted to skip down the isles! I wish it was a little closer...Next time you are there go visit JUST a Bed of Roses on Main street in Farmington YOU will love that store too! Just YOur style:)


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