
Thursday Thoughts.....

2 Reasons I love Costco- 

1- Chocolate Covered Pomegranates 
2- "Pumpkins on a Stick"

2 of my favorite things & I got them both tonight during a quick Costco run.  I love having these Pumpkin stems every Fall but I haven't been able to find them this year {& have been frustrated} but tonight I walked down the aisle by the florals & Ta-Dah- there they were.  
I think they got named "Pumpkins on a stick" by one of my girls, a few years ago, & the name has stuck ever since.  I even had people asking me about them during my show last week because I didn't have any out. 
{they know me to well & know that I love them} 

Well I'm happy to report that they are at Costco so go get them!  Even the lady in front of me in line saw them & ran back to get her a bunch to take home.  
{p.s. they last a long time too!}

Just wanted to share. Have a great night! 



  1. How cute I love those pumpkins on a stick

  2. Hi Melissa ... So Silver Lake is up Big Cottonwood Canyon, by Brighton. You go up the canyon about as far as you can; then there's a sign and parking lot for Silver Lake. It really is so beautiful--you should go if you get the chance! My parents went up just yesterday and said there's snow all over but you can still get around fine. They've seen moose up there a couple times (including a mom and baby, yesterday.) So if you're there in the evening, you might get to enjoy a little something extra!


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