


A fun picture to start off the post. I'm glad we went up to Snowbasin as a family Sunday to look at all the changing leaves since the wind is howling & the rain is falling today.
-Miss Mace- love this girl & her fun personality that 
always shines through!- 
    Do you ever get caught up in Numbers?  Some days it seems like Numbers just seem to be everywhere & today is one of those days with me.  

1- I stopped by my FAVORITE JJ's for lunch {while I was out running errands today} & thought I would try a #12 {Beach Club} for lunch instead of my usual #4.  The #12 is the same as #4 but with sliced cucumbers & avacado spread on it 
hmmm... I think I'll just stick with my beloved #4 next time. 
2- KSL Channel 5 was in my front yard today interviewing my Husband Ty & Neighbor Matt about their Giant Pumpkins. Be sure to watch the 10 o'clock news tonight on Channel 5. 
3- Can't believe that my girls & I are going to be going to the BYU game this Saturday that doesn't kick off until 8:10
{that's going to be a late night but they are looking forward to a sleep over at their Aunts house after the game. Go Cougs! } 
4-I'm hoping #13 starts the game on Saturday- we'll see! We also like to see #12 out there playing, he is a family friend of ours- GO JD! 
5- Today I am teaching a craft to 15 girls in my ward 
{should be fun!} I got the idea from the eighteen25 blog. 
6- Happy that the Yankees forced a game 5 last night. 
{Can you tell I love sports!} 

7- Loved what we discussed in our scripture class today in Genesis 24.  I want to be more like Rebekah- what an amazing woman & example. 
8- 3 {+counting 1 for me so 4} Stripe-y frames I have left to make that were ordered from the H&H Fall Show last week. They are so cute! 
I'm making mine an orange one for Halloween. 
9- 227 the # of Followers on Pinterest- it's so fun to learn who is out there following me- family & friends from long ago- especially when they send me a message, so nice. 
 Thanks everyone! Are you on there? If so let me know! 
{Not to mention the 3 new followers on this blog- hooray!}
10- The 365 Swap. 
{yes, I have not forgotten} I still need to show you all some pictures from that fabulous event- maybe I'll be back tomorrow to do that. 

Ok, is there a # that means something to you today?  
I would love to hear from you if there is. 



  1. What a cute pic of a cute girl! Don't know why, but just gotta say, "I love numbers'! Love them on bottles, baskets, chairs, you get the drift. Speaking of #'s, I came to your boutique with my Friend Ann last Friday. Guess what I bought? Yup, you guessed it, #'s 3 and 1. I put them on my firplace hearth. I love them! Will be doing a post showing them next week. Your blog is fun! Glad to find you. Now a new follower.

  2. Thanks Jann- welcome to the Blog! Glad you said Hello :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}