
Hello October...

  Yeah- my most FaVORITE month of the year has arrived- Hooray! 
I always love to decorate my home for Halloween & something I am loving right now is the decor I set up between my kitchen & living area. It's has a very Fall-ish feel to it, was super easy to do & is BiG to take up the space in the large room. 

Who knew that some branches stuck in an old metal wheat can could make such a great statement in a room. It's all displayed up on a vintage ironing board.  Pair that with the fun key lamp shade lamp, a little black school chair, a fabulous warty McQuig's pumpkin, some spooky looking candles in some inventive holders {I'll explain below} & there you go- 
A instant Halloween inspired centerpiece for the room.

Do you remember met telling you about these bed springs that I got at The 365 Swap a few weeks ago? 
Well all I did was cut off the little coils around the bigger springs {I thought they looked to cute-sy} & stuck some drippy candles in to turn them into candle holders.  The Spider Web {that is wrapped around the big candle} I got at Swiss Days a couple of years ago & it is STiLL one of my absolute Favorite things to get out for Halloween. It's just a wire Spider Web net that you just wrap around a candle- LoVE! 

Ok, just wanted to share.  Still lots of Halloween stuff to put up around here. Have you got your home all decked out for Halloween yet?  I'm off to **GLiTTeR** a pie pumpkin to set up on the mantle- another one of my favorite things to do for Halloween. Have you ever done that before?  



  1. Yes, I thought that this display was so fun! You did a great job. I loved the vintage touches!

  2. Thanks Jann- glad you came to the show!


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