
One of my favorite ways to decorate.....


  And they just happened to be for SaLE during the Fall Show & there are still some left today from 10- NooN
{How lucky is that!} 

I wanted to show you these fabulous, glittery, adorable Holiday decorations that just happen to double as a vintage-y postcard- if you would like to send one some body's way just to say Hello
{You know I LOVE mail.... I have been known to send a few myself}

- I just love the vintage prints & style of these + the glitter- so cute! - 
-Each Big Postcard comes with a custom envelope perfect for mailing & the ribbons these come with are gorgeous!- 

But more than sending them to a friend in the mail I love to hang them up here & there all around my house for some festive Holiday Decor.  

The big greeting card size {$18} are perfect to- 
1- Tie up with a wreath 

2- Hang from a Shelf knob
3- Or just set up on the mantle- they're big enough to see. 

The dainty little ones {$12} are just too cute! 
Hang them- 

1- on a closet door

2- from a dresser knob 
3- or on the towel rack in your guest bathroom {like I do} I have quite a collection & I always change it each month. 

-So many possibilities with these cute things!- 

Just wanted to share one of my favorite {super easy} ways to decorate for the Holidays & add a little bling & sparkle. 
{That's always good right?} 

Have a wonderful day!
Maybe I'll see you today from 10- NooN.  There is still lots of pumpkins, candy, cake plates, Halloween themed bottles, frames & other cuteness for sale! 


**If you live out of state & can't come to my show- leave me a comment & I'll draw one lucky person to send one of these fabulous postcards your way- just for FuN!! 
{be sure to tell me which state you are commenting from} 


  1. you have the cutest things EVER!!!!!!!
    all the time......:)
    your so inspiring!

    have a yummy day!!

  2. Thanks Annie! You need to come up to a show one of these time :) I'd love to finally met you.

  3. Love your stuff all the way out here in Texas! Have been to Utah 4 times this year (going once more to take my oldest to the MTC!) but havent been lucky enough to be there for a show! Please start shipping! (and its really Michelle, but my husbands name shows up!)

  4. LaRae from Oklahoma. I miss your parties and the cute stuff for my home. Love ya!

  5. Thanks LaRae! Miss you too & your cashiering skills ;)

  6. Michelle!! {via Kirk} where are you?? I need you to email me your address so I can get your postcard in the mail. Send it to me pretty, please! :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}