
Colors of the day- Black & White

  Have you ever been given something & then put it somewhere 
{thinking you would remember where it was for when you wanted it?} & couldn't find it anywhere! Augh, so frustrating!! 

  Well that happened to me these last couple of weeks.  I was given a box full of old family black & white photos , this Summer, from my Grandma.  She didn't know who any of them are but has had them & didn't have the heart to throw them out so gave them to me to put to good use.  
{I'm so glad that I love & appreciate old things} 

Back to the story- I wanted to make something with these for my H&H Fall Show & looked & looked high & low for the box of the photos but could NOT find them anywhere.  Well last week {right after my show} I opened our black cupboard to put away some books that I took off the mantle {so I could redecorate it for the month} & spotted the box sitting on the shelf! 
{I swear I looked there at least 2 times before}

So now the question is what to do with these photos? 
I'm thinking a garland of some sort or framing some & mixing them in with the Halloween decor I already have out.  I think they look a bit Halloween-ish because of the black & white & no smiles in the photos- so we'll see. 
Do you have any ideas for me?? 

Ok, that's it for today- to the craft room to start creating!  I'll show you what I finally decide to do with them all- stay tuned. 
Saw this on Pinterest today {of coarse I re-pinned it}
it's my motto for today.  

Be happy everyone! 



  1. Guess what? I have a box of pictures just like yours (and we aren't even related :) It is funny how all the pictures during that time frame look exactly a like. I've had the same question as you. It would be cool to do something with them, but what?

  2. There's a lady in my ward that found a box of pictures like this while cleaning out her parent's house. She did a little research and found that one of them had a tie to her ancestors in Sweden. She took the box with her when she went back to meet the family she still has in Sweden and was able to identify every picture. They were shocked that she had pictures of their mother as a baby and such. Make sure you really don't have ties to them before you do anything! :)

  3. It's always when I put it in a 'special' place so I'll be sure and find it that I can't find it. Just happened to me with scrabble letters I was going to use to decorate a witch hat. Still haven't found them. Had to get some that I had given my daughter. Wonder how long till they show up? lol! My cousin just gave me old photos also. I thought the same thing, that they looked Halloweenish. Was going to use one on the W. hat, but didn't quite work. Anxious to see what you do.

  4. I would preserve the photographs even if I didn't know the people. Maybe I would just pretend that I knew them. I have a love for old photographs. Wish I had a box like that.


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