
Pumpkins on parade- a peek inside 4011

           EnTeR-  if you dare......
{& feel free to "piN" if you see anything you like}  

  I just wanted to show you around my home on Lilac Lane & how I incorporate pumpkins in my Fall & Halloween decor.  
You saw a little of a sneak peek on the Studio 5 segment last week but here is a bit more.  
I {heart} pumpkins! Can you tell?? 

-The set up on our front porch this year.  I simply adore the blue pumpkins we grew in our garden & of coarse a super easy & very cute "knee high pumpkin" is a great combo- 
-The whole front porch look.  I am really liking all the white in my decor this year. The vintage white scale, old white screen door {which used to hang on my wall in our old home} were given to me by friends- aren't friends who know you well the BeST!  The old chicken feeder, that's filled to the brim with little white gourds I got at an antique sell years ago & keep finding fabulous ways to use it for so many different things.  One of those finds you are so glad you got when you did. You love & appreciate it more & more as the years go by- 

-Greetings in the main entry.  I have fallen absolutely in LOVE with the vintage black typewriter that my husband got years ago.  You might remember first seeing it used {Here} I'm just having so much fun with it.  Also I love the way the glass holder is filled with well used letter stamps that I have had lying around {but didn't have the heart to just throw away} they have been well loved & used so for many H&H products over the years. 
-A little peek at what's on top of the mantle.  I love mixing textures together to create groupings to display.  The brown twine wrapped around the pumpkin, next to the old trophy with a glittered pumpkin placed on top & the old wooden baluster - turned candle holder off to the side & then of coarse Books.
{I don't know what I would do without piles of books lying around to place & stack up here & there

-More of the "famous" knee high" pumpkins placed on the end table in the great room-
Remember- super simple to make 
1- get a pie pumpkin
2- get a great textured black knee high
3- stretch out the knee high & stuff the pumpkin in
4- roll down the knee high around the base of the pumpkin
{add some brown wire around it if you want to got the extra mile} ta-dah! 
-My Kitchen island display this year. Love all the variety on display this year- the mixings of woods, metals & glass with all sorts of colors & levels.  Love it! - 

-An aerial view of a stenciled pumpkin- 

-A look from the great room into the kitchen.  I really like "warty" pumpkins & this one came out of the McQUigley pumpkin patch this year.  Love it paired with all the cream colored candles {in various holders} next to the great metal box that has been well used by me too this year {Here & Here} I also placed some of the old black & white family photos I inherited around the tin. I looks cute!-  

-A sweet little white jack be little pumpkin with a tag & an spring wrapped around the stem to welcome in the season- 
-I used an old pop over pan to display 6 little gourds & pumpkins to set on my mustard coffee table/bench. I like tying to think of ways to use things I already have {in this case- the pop over pan} in a unique & different way that
is a little bit of a surprise- 
Hope you all have a wonderful week ahead. Thanks for stopping by. Only 1 week until Halloween- OoOOh!! 
{2 1/2 more weeks until the Holiday Hive-Yippee!



  1. So very cute and inspiring! I love it all!!!!

  2. Thank you Thank you for sharing. I will be implementing some of those ideas around my house now, even though there is a week left. I just bought the knee highs today! Melissa Can I buy some Fall tags off of you? Also where can I pick up the cute springs? Now I am excited to decorate for the last week. Thank you!!!!

  3. Angela- the springs are just something that I cut off of an older something so I just had them lying around. Thought they looked like a cute little vine curl that pumpkins have. Yes, if you want some- I could make some up for you or you could just do it, they are super easy to do.
    Happy Decorating! :)


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