
You're invited.....

YiPPee- look what is right around the corner
{besides the chilly weather, daylight savings {yuck!} & snow} 

Is it really that time of year to start dreaming of Christmas & all the sweets, treats & joys that come along with gift giving?  I can't believe it.  
-Be sure to check back the next couple of weeks for Sneak Peeks of what & who is going to be at The Holiday Hive as well as some GiVEAWAYS!
{which are always FuN!} 
-I'm thinking I'll have to do something really, ReaLLY fabulous for The Hive falling on 
11-11-11, that doesn't happen everyday right?!? I'll come up with something ;) - 

Until then enjoy Halloween coming up 
{I still have a mummy costume to create} 
& I'll be back with more info. about The Holiday Hive later.  Just wanted to give you all a heads up so you can plan to come. 


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