
The GLiTTER goes too.......

Congratulations- Julie! 
{Happy Glittering} 

There is a song that we dance to at Zumba lately that I love 
{you can find it on #51 of my playlist} 
anyway my favorite part of the song is the line that says, 
- Throw some glitter make it rain down! -

So Julie hope you make it "rain glitter" at your house next week, I'll get it in the mail to you on Monday. 
Email me your address please, thanks 

Hope you all have something fun planned for your Saturday- 
I Do!  
I'm off to the Spark Artisan Market with my friend, N & then to the BYU football game for a day date with Ty
Should be a fun day! 


*also I just realized that I never announced the winner of the cute glittered postcard {that I talked about here}  well... the winner is Michelle!  
So a cute postcard is heading to Texas ya'll - YiPPEe!


  1. Hooray! It's my lucky day. Thanks so much. I'm sure my daughter will LOVE helping me throw some glitter around! Thank you!!

  2. Julie, I was down in your neck of the woods today & could have hand delivered the glitter to you, shoot. Oh, well it will be fun having a reason to go get the mail next week-- HooRaY!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}