
Recap Studio 5- Pumpkins!!


  Here is a link in case you missed watching it this morning.  
{Don't forget to enter the GiVEAWAY below}  
-You can never have too much glitter lying around the house-

Feeling a bit better having the segment over with today- it's always stressful preparing for & then over with so quickly.  I always enjoy being invited, going down to Studio 5 & running into friends along the way. 
{loved your wreath segment today T!} 

Thanks to Miss Mace for being my personal assistant for the day & tagging along with me. She was a great help! We celebrated with lunch at the Bun Basket on the way home & then watched last night's Project Runway episode together- oh, my gosh! 
{p.s. I want V or J to win!}
-another Studio 5 appearance in the books- so much fun! Thanks Mindy & the rest of the Studio 5 team-

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 


  1. Darling! Do you mind if I borrow the pic? Your segment was awesome! Great usual! Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. So cute!! I want to make a lace shirt w/ I'll look just like one of your cute pumpkins!!

  3. Thanks friends- Tausha, yes you can borrow the picture. Heather, fun idea about the shirt. I'd love to see a pic when you get it done.


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