
H&H products for sale - HeRE!

**Thanks to everyone who placed an order- I appreciate it!! 
  This is something BiG & exciting for all my 
Hollyhocks & Honeybees clients out there & for me too. 
{it's always exhilarating & a bit scary to try something different, isn't it?  But here I go} 

Thanks to everyone who has emailed me about pre-ordering 
{the very popular & festive} set of #31's from me. 
{if I emailed you back you are on the list. but I need you to do the next step for me......} 

I thought it would be nice if I could have all my clients be able to pre-purchase one if they would like that aren't on my current mailing list.  It would also give me a better idea so that I have enough on hand during the 
H&H Fall Show.
{9.29.11 & 9.30.11}

So here you go----- Drum roll please-. - .
Just click on the button to pre-order & pay for your #31 right here using Paypal!  Then all you have to do is come to the H&H Fall show on 
Thurs. Sept. 29th & Fri. Sept. 30th to pick out which one you would like to take home. 
{Sorry, but I'm not able to ship these right now}

As you can see NO two things I ever make look alike- 

That is one of my business policies- everything is one of a kind & unique 
{so don't worry- your friend, sister, neighbor can all get one & nobody's will look the same- love that! } 

You can come pick out the one set that you like the best- don't worry I'll make sure there are lots to choose from BUT plan to come early for the best selection.

Does this all make sense?  
1- Click the button to buy & order your set of #31's 
{even those of you who have already emailed me} 
2- Be sure to print out your order confirmation to bring with you to pick up your number set. 
3- Plan to pick it up at the H&H show Sept. 29th & 30th @ my home in Mt. Green.
{direction, times & more info. to come soon}

Also... as a bonus you can also pre-order your #25's for the Christmas season - all ready for the season in a variety of Christmasy colors. 
{These will also be available to pick up at the Fall show}

Just click here to order your #25 set- today.
{just follow steps 1-2-3 as explained above but for #25- thanks!}

YiPPee- It's finally out there!  All orders need to be placed by MONDAY, AUGUST 29TH at Midnight.
This may not seem like a lot to all of you out there but it's a big thing for me to do- it feels great to continue to stretch & grow my business. 
{even if it is by baby steps sometimes ;)} 
Thanks for your continued support & interest in this blog & my business- hope to see you all in September. 
{crossing my fingers that this all works!}

Have a great day everyone!


  1. That is so cool. Yay for you, nice work setting that all up!!

    What a super cute cookie jar. I love your gingersnaps, thanks for posting the recipe.

  2. Meliss, I'm so glad you got this done this week. Great job! They look darling. Can't decide if I want one or both...hummm

  3. Yeah- it's working!! Thanks to everyone who has ordered so far- this is exciting! Nicolle, I can't believe you don't have a set of each by now, are you sure? Thanks N&N :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}