
Hello.... NeW School year 2011-2012


  Well all the Quigley girls ate the traditional 1st day of School breakfast  {Whole-Wheat Blueberry pancakes, O.J. Bacon & sausage}, are out the door, on the bus & on their way to another school year. 
{Hello.... Schedule, how I have missed you!} 

Although I know going back to school means busy after school activities running here & there, homework & more homework I love the feeling of getting back on a schedule & welcoming all new things- new teachers, packs of crayons, notebooks, pens & pencils {that actually have erasers on top} all sharpened & ready to go.  
I wanted to share with you some darling pics of my girls that were taken by my friend & fellow Cultivate girl- Haley.  This is just a peek of the pics she took. 
{I am currently trying to decide which 5 I want her to edit out of 220+ pics that she took- not an easy task ;) }

I thought they turned out GR8 & my girls {as always} had a blast posing for Haley & going to get their pictures taken. 
-The Quigley girls ready for the 2011-2012 school year- 

-Miss Mace ready for the 8th grade- crazy to think she is that old already- 

-Love how she writes her name- she definitely has potential to be a star someday- 

-Em- I loved her curly cute hair- 

-My 3 little bookworms- ready to learn!!- 

Ok.. now for a couple of things that I am loving for the school year ahead. 

First up- this fabulous little keepsake journal for school {grades K-12} I have a different version of this book for my girls & it is so great to have. There is page to fill in info. like- favorite subject, friends, what you want to be when you grow up etc. not to mention a great little pocket {for each grade} perfect for putting report cards, school & class pictures, lunch card you name it. Also a place for the teacher to sign & write a little note to your child. 
{I HiGHLY recommend this- if you're like me & love to journal}
-available from  Chasing Fireflies 

-Cute school themed centerpiece I saw on Pinterest. Looks like a great thing to do for Teacher Appreciation week {since I am the PTSO Pres. for another year} 

-Are these the seetest?  Just makes me want to dip in & grab a BiG handful.  A great Back to School party idea from One Charming Party

-How charming are these?  I {heart} Vintage inspired stuff & these are so great.  I saw these on Pinterest to {if you aren't pinning you really SHouLD be} I think I'm going to order me a set of these for my girls to play school with.  They are from artist  Paul Thulby-

Thanks for letting me share a lot of pictures in this post.  Can't wait to go print off my girls pictures, put them up in my terrific window pane/frame & get them into some H&H frames to welcome Fall around the house with.
Happy New School Year everyone- hope it's a great one!


  1. too cute!
    i love the jumbo chalk board.


  2. Thanks Elisabeth for your comment- I loved how Haley traced the numbers, just drew big numbers & put some wooden ones up on the chalkboard - she is one creative chick!

  3. Too cute! Audji's face in the book worm one is killing me. Hope they had a good day!

  4. You have to be the best ptso president ever! Super cute pictures.

  5. Nicole, thanks it helps to have so many incredible women willing to help & serve with me- makes it so much easier :) WIsh you had a Middle Schooler!


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