
A reason to make CooKieS!!


  Whoo..WHoo... just bought a vintage cookie jar-- Me!! 

Saw this chubby little guy peeking out of a glass display case last week at The General Store in Layton.  

I didn't get him then but have been thinking about him ever since.  I was nervous to go into the store today to even see if he was still in the case hanging out. 
{If he wouldn't have been I would have been very, very sad} 
-A picture from my phone that I took last week of him in the display case- I sent it to my Hubby as a hint of an early Christmas gift to get but I just couldn't wait or risk having someone else grab him - 

So lucky for me there he was perched in the case, just waiting for me to come back, so I snagged him right up! 
-& it's my first real McCoy too- even better. I feel like a real antique-r now!- 
Isn't he the cutest?? I love having an owl collection.  Each one I add is special & unique.  I can't wait to mix up some Gingersnap Cookies {my Grandma Hall's recipe- the BeST!} & fill his tummy chuck full today. {Hope he likes them- haha!}

Wish I could share some cookies with all of you today but at least here is the recipe- Enjoy! Bake up a batch today for your kiddos or to give away & share. 
{this recipe is a bit old-school but I thought it was perfect to go along with a vintage cookie jar} 

Old-Fashioned Gingersnap Cookies

1 1/4 C. Shortening 
1 1/2 C. Sugar 
2 Eggs 
3/8 C. Molasses 
3 C. Flour 
2 tsp. Ginger 
2 1/4 tsp. Soda 
1 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon 
3/4 tsp. Salt 

Mix shortening & sugar together, add eggs & mix well. Then add in Molasses & then the dry ingredients.  Form into balls & roll into sugar, place on a cookie sheet & bake for 8-10 minutes at 350 degrees. 

Happy Baking! {& eating or sharing cookies with a friend}  Have you gotten anything fun lately that makes you just want to jump for JoY?  If so, I'd love to hear about it. 



  1. very cute! I'm glad it was still there. :)

  2. I am so glad that you went back and got it. It will look so good in your house.

  3. Good for you!! I have had those experiences of wanting and waiting to long and missing out. Fuuny thing, I just painted a headboard and footboard; for Brooklyn the same color of the little bench in your first picture. LOVEEEEE IT!!!

  4. Merry Christmas to you. It is so cute! Can't wait to go to this store.

  5. Oh, this store is always so much fun to go to. I rarely walk out of there with nothing. Nicolle, let's plan a trip to it when you come up next.


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