
Getting excited ....

  Only 7 more days until the 4th of July! {Holla}
It may just be my FaVORiTE Holiday of the year spent with my family up in my great little hometown of Lewiston.  
I love waking up early, putting on our Red, White & Blue outfits for the day & driving up to Lewiston to meet up with the rest of my extended family in front of the Post Office on Main Street to watch the Parade. I love being with my cousins, cheering on family members that are in the parade & watching all the kids scrabble to grab loads of candy. 
{I'm not a fan of Salt Water Taffy- just sayin'}

Here are a few things that are inspiring me & getting me in the mood for the 4th.  
-These may just be the most ADORABLE 4th of July treat goodie bags I have ever seen!  So Sweet!!  From Martha of coarse- when I turned the page in her July magazine & saw these I fell in  LOVE!!
-An update to our mantle for the month- lots of Americana.  Red, blues & of coarse a book on Honest Abe & a well worn  baseball- America's pastime. 

-2 Laterns- my tribute to the Revolutionary War {did you know I was a History major?}  This is in honor of the Old North Church in Boston where the signal was given to the Colonists on how the British were coming. They would look to the church steeple & see how many lanterns were lit - One if by land Two if by sea. 

-Check out this  blog for alot of Summertime inspiration!!
Her new blog layout for the month makes my soul happy :) 

-Saw this on Pinterest & am totally going to make these for my girls, sistas, Mom & niece for the 4th- 

Hope something has inspired you for the week ahead.
oh- hop on over to my friend Leila Birds Blog for a Giveaway she is having. {Hurry, it ends tonight}

I'm off to run kiddos here & there & then off to play with my friend E down at the Gateway in SLC for lunch & shopping at Anthropologie!
I get to go spend my 15% off total purchase B-day gift. YiPPEE!! 



  1. You are always having fun, have a great day!

    Lesa @ Mailbox Moments

  2. Okay had to come back to tell you I clicked over to Rhonna designs. What a great blog! thanks for sharing.

    Lesa @ Mailbox Moments

  3. It was very fabulous and interesting to know the art and its importance.. hosting


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