
The No. of the day!


  I really like numbers & finding a little connection 
to them in our lives like :

- our 1st home telephone # was 779-0384 
{I'll never forget it} 
-My parents home # which has been the same my whole life- ***-2507 
{I'll leave out the 1st numbers so you don't call them up ;) } 
- The number 7  
{which I think is alot of peoples favorite number}
it has a lot of significant meaning in our family. My Schmoopy & I were married on 7-7, Miss Mace was born in the 7th month & A&E's birthday is on the 7th. 
Must be our LuCKY Number!!
- I also like the number 58 because it was our old homes address & is the lot # of our current home, not to mention it's part of my email address 
{I wanted to pay tribute to the 2 special places in my life} 
This is still one of my FaVORITE all-time posts- if you want to learn more about me go {Here} 

So I was excited to learn about a number that I haven't ever really thought too much about & it's significance right now--- Number 62

-It's how many followers I have on this blog & also following me on Pinterest  today!  
{Funny, huh?}  

I'm enjoying this number right now but hopefully they both continue to change & get bigger & BiGGER as the days go by.  
{hint, hint- wink, wink;) }

Just something fun & silly to share for the day. 
By the way-do you have a favorite number??



  1. 34 which was my basketball number, 8 which was my softball number and of course 7 as well, for my birthday, the turtles birthday and now sharing it with miss Layla.

    You are kicking my butt at Pinterst, but maybe that is because I never pin anything. :)

    P.S. how is Macey's HP reading going?

  2. I love the numbers cant wait for mine ;)

  3. Oh...its quite interesting to know these number games was very glad to know all these...webhosting

  4. Well that didn't last long.... Thanks Kendra for being my 63rd follower on Pinterest! :)

  5. You know how I like numbers too, huh? So of course I like this post.

    I saw your sisters up at Park City on Saturday. :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}