
These shoes were made for......


  A quick re-cap of my Monday shopping/lunch trip with my friend Erika.
{Happy Birthday today E!} 

She is one of those friends who you just KNOW was meant to be a dear friend of yours. Love her to death!  She is a beautiful person inside & out, is always willing to help & give service to anyone & can throw one heck of a party!! 
We always joke that it is amazing we are even friends because she grew up a Mustang & I a Bobcat
{all of my Cache Valley friends & followers will know what I mean} 

We started off by stopping by Kneaders for a quick lunch, which was delicous & fresh like always. 
{love that they have the good crunchy ice for my water} 

Then we hit the mother ship- Anthropolgie w/ our 
15% off Birthday cards.  
{Oh, how I adore this store} 
REMEMBER you can also get one of these cards sent to you during your B-day month just by asking to sign up for an Anthro Card in the store
{painless & super duper easy!!} 

As we were approaching the store we saw the words SALE in the windows {even better} We loaded up & got some GREAT deals.  When I checked out the cashier even said to me, "All of this stuff--- you did good!"

I walked out with these amazing shoes for $29- {org. $110.00}
-Erika's new shoes on the left & mine on the right- 
A fun lampshade for Miss Mace's room $19- {org. $95.00}

a much needed "Mouse" pad for the Mac $7.95 -{org. $19.00}
-it actually doubles as a note pad too- genius!- 
and this fun mustard eyelet accent scarf for $19- {org. $39.95}
{Mustard must have been the color of the day!}  
+ my 15% off  everything.... Ka-Ching!! 

P.S. We did leave alot of shoes still on the shelves & other great stuff on the sale tables if you want to head down there & check it out. 
{lots of 6, 7, &8, size shoes} 

What a fun day- I came home to find these 3 enjoying the summer sun & swimming in the front yard. They stayed out  until about 8:00 just splashing away. 

A great day start to finish- 


  1. Both of your shoes are to die for. Gotta love a good sale.

  2. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIKA!! It looks like you had a super fun day and I like you always love it when there is a deal to be had.......wahoo for cute yellow shoes, my favorite color!!! Love you both, Becky

  3. Bobcats, Mustangs, and Grizzles are all good, right? Love the shoes. You always have so much fun.


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