
Day of surprises!

  Today is Monday
{that means laundry day around here}  
My little Emily made my day this morning when she came up to me & said that her favorite thing on Monday's was coming home from school & seeing the laundry all washed, folded & put into her laundry basket  & placed by the stairs for her to put away. 
{Ahhhh.... one of those Sweet moments that makes all the things you HAVE to do worth it. Love being a homemaker & a Mom}  

So that was a little *Surprise #1* to start off the day.  
Then it was off to Bountiful to met the {Cultivate} girls for lunch at Sego Lilly Cafe 
{to re-cap the 365 Swap No. 2 & start planning the Fall 365 Swap} 
*surprise #2* it is out of business :(  So the venue quickly got changed to Paradise Bakery- Yum! 
{Small Crumbled Blue Cheese Salad, Zucchini walnut muffin & a DC} 

When I got there *Surprise #3* my friends had brought me gifts for my upcoming birthday this week- so NiCE!
-Here is a picture of what I got- 

A glass honey hive shaped jar filled up with old letter presses!
{Thanks, H} 
A handmade darling book flower 
{thanks B} 
& a "little black{turquoise} book" filled up with fun places to go to shop, go junking & yummy places to eat. Not to mention blank pages for me to fill in with some favorites that I discover along the way {Thanks S} 

Oh yeah... this is all that's left of the bag of tasty white chocolate popcorn I also got 
{the girls & I gobbled it all up!} 

What a fun day of Surprises so far- currently Miss Mace & I are baking *Surprise #4*  Audrey & Emily's birthday cake. They turn 9 tomorrow. {where does the time go?} We saw a picture on Pinterest that inspired us.  Hope it turns out just as cute! 
{I'll have to post a picture of it later} 

Hope you are having a blissful day too!


  1. AHHHHH, I love the letter press letters! What fun gifts. Good luck with your busy birthday week.

  2. Oh the month of the Quigley girls. Sorry we missed each other today. Sounds like you had a fabulous one. Glad to hear a dc for lunch. Joey can't wait to eat at Javier's next weekend. A and E b-day wow! I feel like we were just looking at their baptism to you tomorrow!!

  3. The popcorn reminds me of The Bluebird in Logan. They make some awesome white chocolate popcorn.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}