
Blossoms & Memories


I'm loving walking around our yard lately- everything is bright, colorful & in bloom- Hooray!  Up here in the high country it seems that we are usually about 3 weeks behind where we used to live. So it gets a bit frustrating driving around & seeing yards all green & colorful weeks before ours. 
But I'm especially pleased {grateful} to see these colorful fragrance bushes in full bloom this year. 
{I've waited 3 years for these bushes to burst!} 

I {heart} Lilacs- not just because they are so sweet smelling & gorgeous but because of the memories they bring to my mind.  My Grandma had big beautiful bushes on the side of her home when I was growing up & I would love to pick them.  I also had some on the side of my home growing up too- each Spring I would cut a few branches, wrap some wet paper towels around the base & carry them on the bus to give to my Elementary teachers.  I looked forward to doing this each year.  

Now I finally have some in our yard- yeah! 
{Hello..... we live on Lilac Lane so Lilac bushes were the first thing I wanted to plant in our yard} 

I also love having big bushes on Iris' in our yard, these also remind me of a big patch of Iris' that lined the whole back of my Grandma's home. I just wish Iris smelled better- they are pretty stinky. 

{Can you tell I spent a lot of time at my Grandparents home?  I was lucky enough to only live 3 miles away from them.} 

Aren't these little yellow flowers the cutest? 

I'm happy to see these popping up along our rock wall because they came from our 1st home. I gave a start to my neighbor Michelle to plant in her yard years ago & they spread EVERYWHERE!  
{Glad I got them when I did because she got rid of them} 

I tried to plant a start a couple of years ago & they didn't make it but this year they did- YeaH!  
I love cutting these flowers to bring in the house & put in a vase- they are so dainty & sweet! 

I love having a wide variety of perennials in our yard because they are the gift that keeps on giving each & every year.  
{I can't wait for all of the Hollyhocks & Peonies to bloom}  
I enjoy spending time in our yard & cutting beautiful sweet smelling flowers to bring in our house. That's one thing you can always count on in our home during the Summertime- fresh flowers filling some sort of container on the island or table. 
{ohhh... I love it!!}



  1. Thanks Nicole! Heather, sorry that I think they are stinky & they are also messy! I brought in a bunch one time & set them on my piano in a vase They dripped dye on the walls & my piano- not good! I haven't brought them in since, I just admire them in the yard! ;)


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