
9 years ago ToDAY!!


Where does the time go?  It seems just like yesterday that I was in the hospital having my little Twin baby girls 
{if you can call a 8 lb. 1 oz & 7 lb. 4 oz. baby girls little}

What a joy they have been in my life.  Although they came down to earth together they are so unique & special with their own different personalities & talents.  

This is one of my FAVORITE pictures of Audrey & Emily 
 {from 2003} up in Park City during our family vacation when they were only 1.  I think it sums up our life with Twins perfectly. One always going one way & the other in the opposite direction.
{at least with my girls anyway-Boy, did they keep us on our toes!}

I have always been happy that they are independent & believe in themselves enough to do what they would like to do & not rely or wait to see what the other one wants to do.  At the same time {just like in this picture} it's nice to know that the other isn't that far away if one ever needed help or a friend. 

-Audrey on the left & Em on the right- 

And here they are today- 

-Em on left & Audji on the right- 
 Showing off some of their early morning birthday gifts before we were off to Breakfast {bright & early} to Mimi's cafe to celebrate.  

Love you girls- thanks for being such good daughters- it's been fun to watch you grow up this much & I can't wait to see what adventures await you as you continue to grow.
{p.s. Aunt Becca wrote 9 things she loves about each of you on 
her blog today- you better check it out!} 

Happy Happy Day! 


  1. Happy, Happy Birthday Twinners dear! I can't believe that they are 9! I remember that the day they were born it SNOWED in Lewiston. Love these chicas too, too much!

  2. We love Audrey and Emily! Happy Birthday girls.


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