
Pile prep

  I love being asked to help with a project! 
{especially when it is a fantastic & creative kind of thing} 
I get to help decorate a wedding for a friend of mine who is planning it all & is amazingly talented when it comes to putting something like this together.  He asked me to compile a pile {that was ryhmy & cute} of this & that would fit in with the theme of a vintage tea party @ the world
for his brother's wedding. 
{What a great idea, so many fun possibilities with this- can't wait to see it all come together in SLC next weekend}

This is my pile so far 
{I'm sure I'll add to it as the week goes along} 
I enjoy rummaging through my house & cupboards to see what I have to contribute- I'm glad I like vintage/junky/ unique things to have in my home.  They sure do come in handy all the time. Can't wait to see what my other creative friends bring to the party to decorate with. 

Better keep looking high & low! 


  1. That is going to be interesting. I hope you get to share photos when it is decorated.



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