
Studio 5 wrap up!

  Yeah, Blogger is finally back up & running {well sort of}  

I am ecstatic to have this blog back up & running to share 
this with you all- 

Yes, that's me representing all the {Cultivate} girls & chatting about the 
365 Swap. 
-for more info. about the Swap go HERE-

Thank you so much for all the texts, emails & calls that you sent me yesterday after seeing the Studio 5 segment.  I was a little nervous but it was nice having my "peeps" in studio with me.  
{Haley, Nicole & my Schmoopie Ty}  
That helped so much, having a little cheering section & support group there!  It was a BLaST & I hope to do it again someday.  I was asked to do this because the producer who came to the Swap, Courtney, was going out of town & wouldn't be able to do the live taping.
{LuCKY for her to go on a trip & LuCKY me that I got to fill in}
When I got her email asking me to do this my heart literally jumped into my throat & I thought, "No, way can I do this" but after talking to Ty & a couple of sweet friends I thought, "Sure, why not, I think I can." 
-chatting with the Co-Host before the Show 
-Last minute preparations & info. from the producer Stephanie
Everyone there was very nice & helpful & it was fun to see all the "behind the scenes stuff" . 
{Especially since I am LOVING watching Season 25, is anyone else watching that??} When we sat down to start the segment & I finally got all situated on the stool, it was nice to see Darin & Brooke fidgeting & wiggling into place right before we went LiVE
{I even told them that & we laughed :) } 
-Deep Breath, here we go- ACTION!- 

-Brooke, Darin, Haley, Nicole & I on the Studio 5 set- 
What a great experience!  I kept thinking all day about my one little word for 2011 that I chose way back in January {Flourish} 
 Wow, this whole opportunity was all that & more for me. 
Enjoyed every minute of it! 
Love this picture- I had been eye balling these cookies all morning long but couldn't even think of eating anything before the show.  So this is Nicole & I chomping on some of Haley's FaMOUS Chocolate Chip w/ a little bit of dough cookies.  She was so sweet & brought enough to share with all the Studio 5 crew & they loved them! These were the little cherry on top of the whole experience for me this & Ty taking Nicole & I out to lunch at Fostina's afterwards. 
{thanks, Babe!} 

A memorable {Flourish} of a day for sure & one that I will soon not forget. 



  1. Melissa you did an awesome job on Studio 5!!! I'm so sad that I had to miss the 365 Swap, it looked so fun... You ladies did a great job hosting it.. I'll see you next week at the Hive.. You looked so cute on camera, just a natural...

  2. Way good job!!! Melissa
    that was fun to watch that whole segment. Did they offer you a job?

  3. You did sooo good!! You looked so calm like it was nothing new, just something you do all the time!! :) so fun!! Great job!! It was so fun to relive that night a little too. You gals are awesome!!

  4. You were a natural on Studio 5! I swear the second I am in front of any camera I am a studdering idiot! You were awesome and you looked totally comfortable! Plus I loved your outfit too.

  5. You did GREAT!! Your hair looked gooood and you didn't seem a tiny bit nervous!

  6. You were FaBuLouS!! It was fun to see you on STuDiO 5!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}