
A Sweet {little} Boutique coming your way.... & WiN!!

Yay, so excited for The Hive No. 4 
There will some new vendors coming too {which is always fun!} 
So for those of you who have asked to have a little bit more things for boys & who have tried & tried to buy my cute wooden cake stands you will be very HaPPY!! {wink,wink}

Don't worry there will still be lots of fabulous jewelry, darling dresses for girls, unique hair accessories, dessert platters, darling candy jars, fabulous frames & home decor galore! 

Are you excited yet?  I hope so & something to make it a bit 
more SWeeT- a chance to win a 
$25.00 gift certificate 
to spend at The Hive! {wa-hoo!} 

All you have to do to win is help me create a  
"BuZZ" about The Hive 
Here are details on how you can enter- 

1- Become a {NeW} follower of my blog for 5 entries
{yes, you heard me 5! Just make sure you leave a comment telling me you are- my newest follower!}
2- Leave a comment on my blog for 2 entries
{I LOVE comments}
3- Post it on your blog or FB page for 3 entries 
{be sure to leave me a comment & a link to your blog so I can read your blog & also check on you ;)} 

and finally....
4- If it is your first time commenting on my blog you 
get 5 entries!! 
{Yes, I'm bribing you , haha! It's not scary just try it. Be sure to tell me you are a first time commenter to get all the entries you deserve!} 

-You have until Wednesday May 18th at Midnight to enter- 
There are LOTS of ways to earn entries this time around for "BuZZ" about The Hive & win GiVEAWAY! 
{thanks everyone for helping me spread the word} 

Happy "BuZZ"ing & have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Meliss: What if I all ready am a follower :) Kidding! This is my comment for a couple entries - I'm so excited to come see. PS you looked so cute on Studio 5. You are a natural!

  2. I'd love to win! I'm trying to become a follower too but it's not letting me so I'll keep trying!

  3. I'm posting U on my BLoggY!!

  4. k girlie-i thought that I already followed you. Guess not. I so hang my head in shame...

  5. I posted it on facebook as well. I am thinking that I will post about it later it on in the week. Hope that you don't care if I do it later..:)
    happy weekend!

  6. me again -

    [Melissa, you can delete this comment if you you don't want your readers to see this;)]

    Melissa readers:

    Come over to my music blog and read a wonderful music post written by Melissa. She wrote wonderful memories about music. It is fun to read!

  7. me again!

    I FB'd via posting your musical post. Does that count?

  8. Well well - I am a NEW FOLLOWER, this is me leaving a comment - FOR THE FIRST TIME I might add, AND I posted it to my blog! So all 4 people that look at it will see it! I hope sure hope I win!!

  9. Lindsay, WAY TO GO, I'm proud of you- that is a whoping 15 entries for you! {Wa-hoo!} Glad you gave it a try & left a comment- thanks. :)

  10. I am so glad I am back in town so I won't miss the sale.. Can't wait!!

  11. I'm a NEW follower and I am leaving a comment! I love your blog. I have checked out your blog a while back after seeing you on Studio 5. I LOVE your style! I am going to try really really hard to make it to THE HIVE!

  12. That would be sweet if i won

  13. It is so fun to go to the Hive I always find something great!

  14. This is my first time leaving a comment. I LOVE your style Melissa! See you soon!

  15. Ok, I'm now an official follower! :)

  16. Hi Melissa! I am officially a new {follower} but have been checking up on your blog regularly! And my first time commenting...I have thought about commenting a few times but I'm too lazy to log in :) Anyway, you are darling and so creative! Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us! PS...I plan to post The Hive on FB!

  17. Can't wait to see what you have this time!
    And I am already a follower! :0)
    Erin Joseph

  18. Oh man this sucks! I can never win against the girl who has FIFTEEN entries! BLEH! Oh well, a girl can still try, right? I am a loyal fan, follower, comment leaver, and cheerleader. I love you & all you do! Look for a "shout-out" on my blog later today.
    (it will be better than last time, I promise :)

  19. Just posted you to my FB page. One of these days I will make it up to one of your Hive events. But for now no traveling for me :(
    Jessy Johansen

  20. Not sure I am leaving comments the correct way, but I think it is working. Just wanted to say that I recorded Studio 5 last week so I could come home from my doctors appointment and watch you. And I must say you were fabulous! Love to watch and read about all the fun things you are doing.
    Jessy Johansen

  21. Jessy, yes your comments are working- thanks! Good luck to you in the next couple of weeks, excited to hear about her when she arrives :)

  22. Commenting for 2 entries!! :) LOVE your stuff!!!!! Thanks!

  23. Okay Melissa my favorite post is "Cheerleaders" what a great post. It truly does take an army to raise these kids, especially when we have to be three places at once. Oh, I love it too because my pic is in it 2wice!!!

  24. I love you and the Hollyhocks & Honeybees!

  25. Hi Melis! I think this is my first time posting with you! Hopefully I can make it over tomorrow night...can't wait! Heidi M.

  26. Hey I am your newest follower. Suprised I wasn't already... so I also let people know about you on facebook.

    Crossing my finga's!!

  27. I'm a new follower. Your stuff is really cute!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}