
Yippee, Wa-hoo & CONGRATS to.....


First of all- THANKS to all my Blog buddies for the sweet, funny & nice comments {all 50 of them!} I read, laughed & loved each & everyone.  I wish I could respond to each one of you personally.
{p.s. I could if you set up your acct. to an email- that would be fun if you did- wink!}
-But please know that I appreciate & am grateful for you all-
**Melissa Larsen **
glad to know you like Peonies as much as I do

Ok, one thing done & checked off the list of things to do today
Next up- 
Get dressed & ready for the day 
Meet my {Cultivate} friends in Farmington
Load up the car & drive down to the Big City
Park at the Triad Center 
Find the Studio 5 studio 
Chat with Brooke & Darin 
eat lots of Haley's Choc. Chip cookies on the way home :) 
{she's posting this recipe on the Cultivate blog soon & trust me you are GOING TO WANT this to add to your recipe box- 
Yum to the E!} 
Pick up my kids from School 
Drive Em to Tumbling
Get Miss Audrey ready to play the role of Cinderella in 
{Up w/ Kids play} 
Grab dinner 
Enjoy the show
Get the kids in bed
Post details about the "BuZZ" & win Giveaway 
Finally,  relax with my hubby & watch The Office 

done & probably exhausted :) 

Go {HERE} to see fun pictures of what I'll be talking about today on Studio 5 at 11.

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo! I'm so excited! This is my first decor for my new house!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}