
Projects, planning a post & pleased....


Wanted to share how I spent a rainy/snowy day last week with Miss Mace who had the day off of school. 
We got some old T-shirts, cut them up & made this........ 
{I choose to make mine out of the color of the year}

I love them & want to make one for every color of the rainbow because they are so quick & EAsY to make.  It was a fun way to spend some time crafting. 
{my kind of craft one that is started & done in less than 10 min}
Miss Mace later whipped up some delicious chocolate carmel cupcakes w/ fresh Strawberry frosting with her friend- YUM!!

I also am thinking & preparing on how to celebrate my 
*.-.*200th post*.-.*
{WOW, I can't believe it is coming up quick. I smell a GiVEAWAY for sure- so be sure to check back! }

oh & look who is pleased as punch
happy as clam---

Yes, it's official Audji is a happy owner of her own pair of clear,  cute, fake purple glasses. 
{she has even foold a couple of her friends- hee, hee}
We picked up a pair at Claire's last night. That store is dangerous going into with 3 girls & one Mom who found the cutest little sparkly bee ring that I just HAD to have!

Happy May day to everyone!

p.s. I got to substitute in Primary today. I taught the CTR 5 class & got this sweet note from a little one of the girls in the class- made the whole rest of my Sunday. 


  1. How about a tutorial on how to make the neclace. It looks good on you!

  2. Tess was totally dotting on you all during primary... it was great to have you in there. I loved hearing a teacher singing nice and clear!!! Thank-You!!!

  3. From LaRae. I must get a tutorial for the necklace. Something fun to do with the Pom girls. Hope you had a great weekend.

  4. So many cute things: project, glasses, special notes. But you didn't show us the yummy cupcake Miss Mace made :)

  5. Haha, Lesa there were no cupcake pictures to take they were all gobbled up too fast! :)

  6. Love the necklace, glasses and the cute note!! Is dinner going to be served at the 365...or should I dine before?

  7. Thanks for posting that! It made Tess smile so big!


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