
Let the day begin!


Yeah, it's Gourmet Club day!
{I wonder if I'll still be thinking that as they day goes on}

This is what my kitchen looked like this morning at 6:45 a.m.
-pots on the stove- steeping Basil for homemade ice cream
-a GiGANTIC forest of branches w/ pink tissue paper flowers
-glass jars with wheat grass sprouting
-my tall glass of ice water to get me through the morning 
-ice cream maker sitting on the island ready to start churning
{oops... I forgot to put the bowl in the freezer to chill- augh! That mistake cost me a bit of time}
-the kids vitamins on the island waiting to be eaten before they take off for school
-and piles & piles of dishes ready to take over to Nicole's home to set on the dinner table. 

& wanted to show you this awesome metal container I got from my Mom, I {love} it!  So glad she saved it for me. 
{I dumped out some of the wheat because it was really, really old. I didn't know if I could trust making something with the wheat stored inside}

-the joy it gives me to find a NeW use for something old- 

Photos & recipes to come! 
{Wish me LuCK!! I have flatbread to still make & bake, errands to run, flowers to arrange, table to decorate & set-up everything w/ Nicole, which is always fun }



  1. Few, I am pooped! I thought it turned out awesome! Everything looked so cute and the food was super yummy. I can't wait to see courtney's photos. Hope you sleep good tonight. Thanks for being so much fun to do gourmet with. You always have such good ideas.

  2. The Wheat can is too, too cute. BTW- your countertop makes my countertop look like a tornado blew through my half of the neighborhood only & left yours looking not just fabulous, but effortlessly so.
    It makes me hate you just a tiny, tiny bit :)
    In fact, I think I'll take a photo (of my counter) to prove it :))

  3. Oh, Mandy you make me :) You are always so funny! Hey, I miss seeing you at Zumba what's up with that??? Hope to see you there soon- I always enjoy your Zumba dance style ;)


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