
What I'm wearing Wednesday!

  Happy day- the sun is shining but baby it's COOOLD outside! 
Oh, well I'll take seeing the sun shine :) 
This is what I wore today- 
- Since the sun was shining I put on my sandals, sun glasses & carpis & hit the town- 
I got to go visit with another sweet friend of mine today who is recovering from a surgery.  She CONSTANTLY amazes me & I ALWAYS walk away from being around her a better person. She is always positive & looking on the bright side of things.  She always uses some thing that is going on in her life as a learning experience & something to learn & grow from. 
{I need to be more like her!}
So glad to have her as my friend- love ya, M!

I got to drop off a custom Baptism frame & #8 that I made to a client. I hope it makes their special day a bit more fun!  Thanks M for being patient with me.  

Then I hit the Sonic drive through to order 2 bags of Sonic Ice
{yes, you can buy their delicious ice & have it at home- love!} 
I've hosting Gourmet Club tomorrow night with my friend, Nicole & having the ice is a MUST! 
I didn't just want to order ice so I got a Diet Coke w/ coconut & lime to try since a fellow blog friend of mine raves about it all the time. 

{Yes, that means my Diet Coke free streak is over- but going 3 months is pretty good!} 
It was yummy!

Well I'm off to bake, finish up some decorating touches, make place cards & make some basil ice cream in preparation for Fresh & Flavorful Gourmet night. 
{can't wait to share all the details & recipes with you soon!}



  1. You look skinny!

    [I'm typing this in my quiet voice]
    I only went about 30 days until I went back to a few diet cokes a week....darn it.

  2. CuTe OutFit!! I so agree with the sonic ice...we call it rabbit poop ice at our house!
    I hear there is a machine you can purchase that makes it at home....I am on the search!
    HaPPy DaY!

  3. I did think you looked so cute today! Can't wait for gourmet!

  4. Awhh... thanks everyone! :) You made my day!!

  5. I feel so much better knowing you fell off the wagon with the Diet Coke. After a 40-day Diet Coke fast, I gave-in during our spring break trip. You can't spend five hours in the car with kids without a little bit of help to calm the nerves!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}