
Feeling grateful today.... for FRieNDS!


I taped Oprah's best friends episode & watched it last night. She had Gail on with her & was showing clips of times they have been on the show together. I was laughing & laughing!  It made me think about all the wonderful, amazing & inspiring friends I have in my life & how grateful I am for all of them. 
{Just wanted to share a couple of them with you today}

I got to spend the day with my sweet friend Cory down in Ut. County today.  Our family was lucky enough to build our 1st home & move in on 50 W. right down the street from the Dean family in Layton.  Even though we both moved away from that subdivision we have still stayed in touch. She has been such a fun friend over the years & her family puts up with my sports enthusiasm as I torture them during College Basketball season. It is always a fun couple of months between the Quigleys & the Deans. 
 So glad there is email, cell phones & texting so I can stay in touch with her when they move back East in a couple of months.  Sad to see them go but excited to think about traveling back to see them one day & going antiquing with Cory around the Ohio countryside.  
-blurry picture- dang it, oh well that's what I get for not taking the Canon along with me for the day- 
We 1st hit one of our FaVORITE stores in Orem- 
The Gatehouse
{or as I like to still call it- Evans} 

then we went to the Busy Biddy
checked out Alice Lane 
Flour girls & Dough Boys for lunch 
Dippidee   for some delicious cupcakes
{I got the little devil chocolate cupcake} 

 and then a stop at Dear Lizzy in Highland

Whew... what a fun day!  
We tried to stop at Star Mill & Finders Keepers in A.F. 
but they were closed- dang it!! 

So grateful to have met her all those years ago & to still be able to consider her one of my dear friends.  I can't believe she now has a senior ready to graduate & go on a mission.  Wow, where does the time go?  She SAVED me in church all those years ago with A&E when they were teeny tiny & Tyler was busy in church callings.  I don't know what I would have done without Cory Dean. She even set me home today with a jar of Strawberry & Apricot freezer jam- she's amazing! 
 Thanks Cory!! 

Then I came home turned on my computer to see an email from my fabulous friend, Rachel, who is an amazing photographer.  She just announced dates for her Spring Sessions  {Here}     
-this is one of her darling girls- 


I'm lucky to have her living right in my backyard.
{Aren't backdoor neighbors the best?- especially when they bring you a bowl full of yummy cantaloupe & watermelon last night for a after dinner snack - yum!}
I love having friends & neighbors that know they can come up to my backdoor anytime.   So looking forward to warmer weather & sitting out on the porch & watching our kids play in the sprinkler this Summer.
{IF warmer weather ever gets here- augh!}

I've also been asked to write a guest post for my friend Lesa's blog. It's all about everything music, which if you know me well you know that I adore music too. {love it!}


She always has something wonderful to share on her blog. 

My 1st guest post- I'm very excited!!    
{more info. to come about that- wish me luck I'm writing a post for Friday the 13th} 

I just love having wonderful friends in my life & 
all they do to make me a better person.  
I'm always inspired by them all. 



  1. That was fun to be reading along and then there I was..! so nice of you. Also, of course, I'm going to have to check out a few of those places you mentioned. Kendra and I are going on a little girls day before she moves and we were going to head down that way.

    Musically speaking: I'd love for your readers to come over and read about piano/organ music tips that I just posted and other good music stuff on my music blog.

    Thanks again Melissa!



  2. You sure "get around" for someone who lives in the middle of NOOO where!!!

  3. Oh Heather I get around!! p.s. I'm only 15 min. from Layton & Riverdale & about 30 min from B. City- no traffic lights or stops for me, once I get on 1-84 it's smooth sailing. I love where I live! :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}