
A Tutorial & other stuff


  Okay, for all of those who asked me  {HERE} is where I learned how to make the FaBuLouS t-shirt necklaces. 
{Thank you Martha!}
Sorry, I didn't take any pictures of when Mace & I made ours to show you. 

-Miss Mace showing off her blue necklace-
Also I'm excited for the rest of my week- 
- the invites are mailed

-Swap pile of pictures are posted {here} 
-Name tags & garlands are made 
-Final planning lunch w/ Cultivate friends yesterday- check!
{we ate at Plates & Palettes in Centerville. If you haven't been there you MUST go! All up some friends & go for a lunch date.  But please remember to call & invite me to go along with you ;) }
S, B & I ate this scrumptious piece of coconut cream cake- oh my goodness, so good! 

-the first photo uploaded off of my new phone- yeah!- 
all that is left is too do is- SWAP- yeah!  

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