
Grateful & HELP!!


  I am trying to look on the bright side of things 
{as I sit here with my cardigan on, the fire place going & wearing my Ugg boots-
 YES, & it's May!!} 
I'm grateful that it was a nice sun shiny day for Audji's last soccer game of the season yesterday.  It was so nice to feel the sun & see a bright blue sky over head for the 1st time in about a week. 
{It doesn't look like that right now out my window as the rain is falling & the skies are grey}
- #7- enjoying a break in the action. Love to see her cheeks a little red & the green grass behind her- Summer!?-

-Em with the bright blue sky behind her- it was a gorgeous day!- 
It was fun cheering on Audji w/ her Grandma's, Grandpa, Aunts, Dad  & sisters.  I got excited a few times {even jumped out of my seat} because she was soooo close to getting in a couple of goals. She had a great coach & a fun bunch of girls to play with this year, it was fun to watch them all. 

Ok, now.... HELP!! 
I have a favor to ask.  Has anyone out there had issues with Blogger since it went down last week?  I have & one problem specifically & I'm wondering if any of my blogging friends out there know how to help me fix it.  

-My problem is that I can't log out of one blog & log into another. I log out of my gmail, blogger everything & then go to sign in with a different acct. {which it lets me} but then when I go to the blog to make a post it still has me logged into my other acct. {AUGH!!} Does anyone know how to fix that?  
If so I would be grateful to hear from you & what has worked for you- THANKS!! 
It's so frustrating!  

Have a lovely day where ever you are- hope you are enjoying some sunshine! 
{disclaimer- I got to take a Sunday nap & when I woke up the sun was shinning- yeah!} 


1 comment:

  1. I was sad about the weather today too. Hope we get something nice soon; this weather makes us all a little crazy.


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