
No. 4 in the books

  Thanks to everyone who came to The Hive No. 4 yesterday & today.
{thanks to all those who waited patiently until 6:00 sharp!} 

It's always fun to see friends, clients & meet new friends.  
-A packed Hive at 6:09- so FuN!!-
I hosted the very 1st Hive Vendor Dine & Shop before the doors opened  & it was fun! 

{The Vendors-The Queen Bee {me}, Leila Bird {Nicole}, Becky, Apostrophy Designs {Tori} & Coralie} 
It gave us all a chance to eat some yummy food, take a second from setting up, visit, shop around & set some stuff aside for ourselves before we opened the doors & were busy, busy. 
-Thanks ladies for coming to The Hive
I'll be posting the yummy, tasty, super easy soup that we had to eat soon.

Sign of a successful show!!
 THANKS to everyone who bought the delicious candy to take home w/ you so I didn't have to eat all 20 lbs. of it by myself- 
hope you are enjoying some today! :) 

-So excited to order in some Gourmet Candy for Halloween & Christmas-
oooh, just wait until you see!!- 

Thanks again & see you next time! 

Oh, & CONGRATS again to Marky the "BuZZ" winner- she got some cute stuff- for FREE just by commenting on the blog.  
-Watch for your next chance to win in the Fall- 

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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}