
LaZY fun day- just "pinning" away!

  I am having one of those LaZY kind of mornings, when I am just aimlessly wondering & loving being on Pinterest.
{enjoying it before my afternoon gets busy!} 

I am having the best time "Pinning" & finding so much inspiration galore today.  Somedays not so much but - OOOOoHhh... so much eye candy to see & dream of making & creating one day soon. 
-photo from brandonkidd.net-
I added 2 new boards today-
1- Summer things for the girls 
{need to start thinking of things to keep them busy! Summer begins Friday around here} 


2- 365 ideas for the Swap
{have to start dreaming about #3-right?}
-also from brandonkidd.net,  guess I love his style!- 
I think my most favorite boards to post {anything & everything} onto is my Entertaining & Creative Inspiration boards.
{maybe that just says alot about me} 

Check all of my Pinboards out  {Here} 

Have a happy day whatever you are doing
{I'm pinning away- makes me :) }



  1. I'm afraid to start pinning. I know I would like it too much and not get anything done :) It looks really fun though.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}