
A few of my friends & a GiVeAWAY!


Every year I love getting these
{Faux- French for fake} Chocolate Bunnies out & display them on my cake stands for Easter.
{plus they are the best kind- non fattening!!}

Aren't they adorable & charming? 
I always like to see how many people I can fool during the month of April with these little guys.
{& believe me there have been a few in the past who have tried to take a nibble or two}  

Because I had too much on my plate last month 
{mainly PTSO school projects}
I just couldn't bring myself to schedule a Hive before Easter. So I have a 10 lb. box of the cutest Easter candy sitting on my counter top & I have to give some of it away!!

Mix includes:
-chocolate foil eggs
-creme shaped eggs, bunnies & chicks
- pastel holland mints {my favorite}
-gummy eggs covered in sprinkles
-& of coarse jelly beans.

If you would like a chance to receive this
1 lb. bag of tasty treats in the mail leave me a comment & I'll ship it your way next week.
{adorable little chocolate bunny NOT included- he's mine!}

You have until Monday the 11th at Midnight to enter, winner will be announced Tuesday & the candy delievered or shipped on Wendsday.

-Also check out my friend
Leila Bird's blog for a chance to win a darling candy jar to put your candy in- 
Go here for more details.
I just learned that another couple of friends
{Sheryl & Karah} are having a giveaway here too!
{Isn't having friends the best?}

Wishing for Springtime weather
{I'm so over all the snow!}


 oh, & one more exciting thing-
May 19th & 20th - more info. to come! 


  1. I love that idea, faux chocolate bunnies,
    where did you find them? The candies look pretty too!

  2. Just collected them from here & there. I have always thought Hobby Lobby has a good selection but not so much this year :( I'll have to keep looking for some.

  3. My little girl saw the pictures of the candy and thought it was awesome! :)

  4. Oh M! I love the choco bunnies I am so going to start that!! Thanks for the inspiration as always :) luvs

  5. That would be a great Easter surprise in the mail. And yummy too!

  6. I'm in. Send away! Love your expose on Macey.

  7. Please send them my way. Easter candy is my FAVORITE!

  8. Those chocolate bunnies would not survive at my house. Even if they are Faux!! My boys wouldn't believe it!!!

  9. Tex, they tricked Parker last week when he was up here. :) haha! I could see B&B&B trying to take a bite. Thanks Cindy. I would love to send some to Oregon- A, or to Layton- S. We'll have to wait & see who wins- Thanks for entering everyone!!

  10. This candy is so yummy. My kids seem to think so too! ;)
    I am excited for the next HIVE.

  11. I would love to have some yummy treats! Thank you!!

  12. I cant wait tell may 19th & 20th! I love coming to the hive and seeing what i can find for my house!

  13. Anything for some Easter candy! I love your faux chocolate bunnies! The make such a cute center piece! The only question is what are you doing with the other 9 lbs of candy???

  14. As soon as I saw this post I was so happy because it reminded me of the cute little bunny that you gave me last year. The kids helped me strategically place all 5 of our easter decorations. Thanks for helping add to my little collection. They probably find a great place to put some yummy candy!

  15. "Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's Party." What a great way to party, with yummy candy!

  16. Those bunnies are sooo cute! You fooled me! Pick me for the Easter candy! PlEaSe?

  17. YOU know me I am always up for candy!

  18. Meliss, this contest ended too early. Midnight, come on!! I want to be included even though it's 1 a.m. Thank you for introducing me to the bunnies years ago. You suddenly have a lot of them...Happy Easter! Save some candy for me.


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