
& last but not least...


The one who has been with me the longest-
Macey Lou
{her Grandma GG thinks she has the cutest name}

What to say about this one.  She is so talented {if I say so myself}  She has always loved music & singing.  When she was 2 1/2 years old she would sit down with me & watch the ENTIRE Sound of Music
{our favorite movie}
She also went to see Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat when she was 3 & was completely mesmerized.
{I mean who does that??}
I'm glad we share a common bond of love for music together.

 She has turned into quite the talented chef in our home & we all love it!  She can whip up the best egg McMacey's for breakfast, french toast, cupcakes{complete with decadent frosting}for an afternoon treat & any kind of Mexican food you want {with lots & LOTS of spices!} 
She likes everything blackened & with lots
of pepper. 

-a MLQ design & photo-

She is developing an interest in photography & loves creating flower arrangements.  I love it during the Summer because she is always making an arrangement for the kitchen table from flowers in our yard.
She also likes to sew & design clothes & also enjoys playing Basketball & Volleyball.
-some note cards she designed & sold last year
 she's a wonderful artist &  
has 2 best little buddies{Hy & Walter}
next door that she loves to play, babysit & just plain spend time with.  
- Mace & Walt-

She is a great student
{just made the honor roll again & got a role in her drama class play- Congrats Mace}

& is a typical Tween-ager.
{with a messy room & lots of these kind of photos on
the camera}

Every time I go into her room & see drawers left open, clothes on the floor, closet wide open & her bed unmade I get a little upset.  But then I have to realize that I am grateful for an amazing daughter who gets up every morning on her own at 6:20 a.m, gets all ready, comes upstairs bright & early each morning ready for school.

So I need to look at it as having a glass half empty or half-full? 
I would have to say all the way full! :)
{love you Mace!} 


{thanks for letting me share these 3 joys with you all. So glad I get to be their Mom}


  1. Macey is a great daughter!!!

  2. You have a beautiful family. It was fun to read about all your girls!

  3. I loved all of the posts about your girls!! They are darling!! It is fun that they are each unique, it keeps life interesting!! Having daughters is such a beautiful blessing!

  4. Now I am really missing you guys. Macey Lou Quigley, (My Little Queen) we will always have a special bond. Really wish you could be our babysitter, maybe when we move back!

  5. Love Miss Mace! It's fun to see her in her crazy teenage years...I'm just glad I get to see it from a distance. :)

  6. Where would I be without Macey??? She is such a fun sweet girl to have around and truly is a blessing in our lives! I fell it safe to speak on behalf of my entire family. We love you Mace!


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