
1 lb. of candy lighter ..........

{Thanks to my Easter Bunny helper for picking the winner before she hopped on down the trail to the bus stop this morning}
{send me your address please so I can send the goodies your way}Congratulations! 

I hope you enjoy your yummy, sweet, chocolately, gooey, sugary, lovely Easter treat goodie bag. 
CAUTION- the candy is so cute you may not want to even eat it.
You could tell all your family friends it is Faux candy if you want-
just like the adorable Chocolate bunnies- haha!

Enjoy & thanks to everyone who entered!

**I'll be back on Friday to announce ANOTHER exciting contest-wa-hoo!**
-be sure to check back for more info.-


  1. What a fun creative way to pick the winner.

  2. Woo hoo! I am pumped! I emailed you my info. Thanks a bunch!

  3. Thanks Candice- thanks for commenting all the way from Tennessee! :)


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