
A couple of ?'s


I have been asking myself Why alot today-

Why- does it have to snow again?
Why- do my kids not listen to me sometimes?
{I really do know what I'm talking about! ;)}
Why- don't people like to leave comments?
Why- do I care?
Why- do I want to take a nap right now?
Why- don't I like to make or return phone calls?
Why- am I so blessed?
Why- have not I not shared this yet?
{the potatoes were so good not to mention the White Hot Cocoa}

Why- do I know what the decor will be for our Gourmet Club turn next month but not all the food yet? augh!
Why- do I always post in colored Georgia font?
{time for a change}
Why- am I not doing something more productive?
Why- does all the Easter candy at the store look so good? 
Why- can I not get motivated to set a date for The Hive?
Why- does the neighborhood Walmart never have all the grocery items I need to get? {ever!}
Why- can't I get enough of those yummy, juicy, little Clementines? {so good!}

Ok, that's all for now


  1. I am avoiding the Easter candy. It is my favorite!

    As far as comments...Kendra and I talk about this a lot, so if you want some ideas, send me an email and I will tell you some of the things we've talked about.

    I have seen Pinterest on another blog recently too. It looks like a very cool thing? Is it new?

    I agree with you on walmart. It's a great store for lots of things but not for everything.

    You have a great blog! I think you deserve a billion comments with all the cute ideas, pics, and things you post.
    Have you used the new template designer blogger has? It is fun to get a variety of fonts, templates, etc. (not that you need too, but if you like the design part of blogging, it is fun!)

    Sorry for the long comment...


    p.s. I like followers and comments as well!! :)

  2. I have asked myself nearly all these questions as well !! As for comments and blogs who knows why people do not comment...I can have hundreds of hits in a day on my blog and not one comment sometimes! I have learned to just be thankful people are looking and coming back to look....focus on the stats and not the comments or it will make you crazy!! I for one LOVE your blogging and will make an effort to comment more!! HaPpy DaY...We have so much to be thankful for!!
    Oh, I would love to come to your next market when you set a date! LoOks sUper FUN!

  3. Oh blog n' tell you read my mind!{I'm not worrying about stats anymore!!} I'd love to look at your blog- let me know what it is. I do love when people come up to me & tell me they look at the blog or send me an email- it's just nice to know people are out there :) Thanks for the comment.

  4. I would love for you to visit my blog....

  5. I'm with ya on the Neighborhood WalMart. Ugh!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}