
I'm hooked!! {or should I say Pinned}

Have you heard about Pinterest?? 
It is the newest & greatest thing that I just LOVE!  You may know about how much I love to flip through magazines for creative inspiration & ideas. I have gathered clippings, ripped out pages & placed them all into folders over the years---well Pinterest allows me to do it online & organize all the fabulous ideas I see onto Pinboards
{Pinboard- n. a visual collection of things you love}
Here is a sampling of the visual loveliness that I have pinned onto some of my pin boards
{you can see more of what I like-here}
Ruffled® | DIY Wedding Dessert Table Buffet Tips from Sweet and Saucy Shop

I love this because I need visual stimulation to get me moving- whether it's home decor, thinking of what to make for dinner, a little treat to take a neighbor or just planning for a party.
The great thing about Pinterest is that you can share with your friends & see each others pins & pin board as well as give credit to the proper source.  Each time you "re-pin" something you can see where the original source came from if you would like more info. about it. 
So you can follow my pins here or click on the Pinterest link on the top right hand side of my blog.  I would LOVE to know if any of you out there are already pinning so I could follow you- please let me know!
{don't forget to follow me too so that we're connected- it will be fun!!}

with two cats: Eye Candy
So if you want to start pinning here is a link to Pinterest to get started.
FYI- you may have to wait a bit to get your invite- be patient :) it's all worth it.
1-be sure to attach the Pin-it bookmark, it makes it easy to pin
2-create & name pin boards unique to you
3- start looking around for things that inspire you
4-pin to your boards & enjoy!!
{it took me awhile to figure it all out but once you get the hang of it its terrific}

Have fun & Happy "Pinning"!!


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}