
What I'm wearing {and doing} Wednesday!

  Before I begin I must confess something- I NEVER spell the word Wednesday correctly the 1st time.
{Augh... why is that?! I just think the n should come
before the d I guess}
** there a word you always seem to misspell? If so I'd love to know which word it is**

-Anyway what I am wearing Wednesday-
I started off the day going to Yoga at Lone Tree at 8:45 this morning until 10:00

Ahhh... Namaste, it was such a great class.
-Yoga mat in hand ready to go! I need to get better about this whole self portrait thing I know ;) -
I LOVE going to yoga it seems to rejuvenate my body & spirit.  I always feel so invigorated after leaving class each week.
{Thanks Syd!}

-Home- showered- hair done & apron on-
Oh- I love me an apron!! I have quite a collection & love to wear them, have had them given to me as gifts {my friends know me so well} & have been known to wear them an entire Sunday afternoon.

Oh, & amp; getting dressed up & doing my hair just to stay home for the day is a really big deal for me.  Usually I just pull my hair back in a pony tail & I'm good for the day but I took the time today to get all ready & it really does make a difference.  Glad I was thinking about posting What I Wore Wednesday {just had to fix the spelling} because it motivated me- maybe I better keep this up.

I have my apron on because I am making dinner for my neighbors & trying out a few recipes for Gourmet Club
So far I have made, from scratch, a 
Sour Cream Pound Cake. It's in the oven now & smells so yummy!
I'm attempting to make some Basil Ice Cream
to go along with it.
{Have never made this before but had some in Park City last July & LOVED it!}
I'll let you know how it turns out.

-As you can tell this is a well worn recipe- a Quigley
family favorite!!-
& for dinner a tasty
Tortellini Veggie Soup
A recipe from my dear friend Cory D., she gave me the recipe years ago & its one of our families favorites.

Happy Wednesday!
{just had to spell check & fix again & no, I'm not kidding}


  1. I have a favorite red apron that Kendra made for me years ago. I would wear it all day if I could. I think aprons should be standard, don't you?

    Cute outfits today!

    The food sounds delicious and thank goodness for spell check or I'd be in trouble all the time.

    Have a good evening!

  2. I thought those flip flops looked familiar, they go right along with yoga! Earth shoes are the BEST! Did some yoga last night myself, felt great! Never made the pound cake myself always just enjoy it with my Dad! Sounds yummy what is the soup recipe?

  3. Yes, thanks for the shoes Audj, I love them! The sun was out, still cold, but I thought I could wear them to yoga today instead of Ugg boots for a change;) I'll post the recipe, it's easy & yummy. The Basil Ice Cream smells delicious!

  4. gee, I wish I was your neighbor that sounds gourmet. Where did you try the basil ice cream in park city?

  5. I always spell finally wrong. I seriously just learned how to spell it like last year. That's 30+ years of spelling it wrong. Nice. Cute apron. I agree, getting ready every day does make ya feel better!

  6. I lOVe fun aprons too! Do you have a favorite place to get your aprons or do you sew your own??


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