
Something SWeeT!

  Happy {Heart} Day everyone! 
Hope you all have a wonderful day. I got to spend the morning with my 4 Valentines, made them heart shaped waffles for breakfast, gave them their Valentine pouch bags & I get to spend tonight with them & celebrate another, Quigley family tradition, candlelight V-Day dinner.
{more to come about this tomorrow}

I just wanted to share Audrey & Emily's Valentines with you because I thought it was the SWeeTesT thing ever! 
{Don't you love when you see your kids doing something nice on their own or without being told to do it? It makes my heart sing!}
They were writing all of their Valentine cards the other night, for their classmates, & I noticed that they were each taking the time to write a personal message to each one of their friends

-You are a good reader
-You are smiley!
-I like to sit by you
-You are funny
-You are cool!
-You are swell
-I think you're pretty
-You are great at sports
-Thanks for being my friend!
& my personal favorite- Yo, Yo, Yo, Dude! :)

It just made me stop to think that this is what this holiday is really about celebrating all those in our lives that we like & care about.  I'm so happy to know that my girls can find at least one thing that they like or admire in each of their 23 kids in their 3rd grade class. It makes me what to be more positive & focus on every ones good points, talents & be sure to let them know that.

Something to think about & try to do today.
{I'm off to decorate & serve refreshments at the Middle School Valentines Dance. Should have taken a picture of Miss Mace all dressed up this morning, she looked so cute!}

Love,  {M}


  1. I love it! Your girls are so cute and sweet. I hope Macey had fun at her dance today. Who wrote the "Yo, Yo, Yo, Dude!" Valentine? My guess is that it was Audrey.

  2. I sure love the Quigley girls. I think your girls have learned to be so thoughtful from you. You are one of the most thoughtful people I know. Hope you have a great Valentines Day!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}