


 What would Valentines Day be without heart shaped sugar cookies? Oh, I don't even want to think about it.
{We LOVE them in our family & make them each year}

I have the best recipe that I have used for years
{from Martha of coarse}  they are so tasty. 
I send one up to my Grandma Hall every year {she's 92} because she loves them so much.
However she does not like how much I spend on postage to mail her cookie up to her ;) 

Sugar Cookies

4 C. Flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 {2 sticks} butter
2 C. Sugar
2 Eggs
2 tsp. Vanilla
1 tsp. Lemon Juice 

  With an electric mixer, cream together butter & sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs.  Add flour, salt, and baking powder to the butter mixture. Stir in vanilla & lemon juice.  Wrap dough in plastic & chill for 30 min. Heat oven to 325 & on a floured surface roll the dough to a 1/4 " thickness & cut into desired cookie cutter shape. transfer to an ungreased baking sheet & bake 8 to 10 minutes or until edges are brown.
So glad that my girls love to bake as much as I do. Just to let you how much we enjoy making sugar cookies around here we have a drawer, in the kitchen island,  specially devoted & used to hold cookie cutters of all shapes & sizes. 

The day after Christmas the 1st question my girls seem to ask is,"When is Valentines Day?"  They look forward to all the fun things we get to do as a family. One of them being making sugar cookies & surprising a few of our neighbors & friends.  The girls spend the day cutting out paper hearts & plotting who we are secretly going to take sugar cookies too & stick all of the paper hearts on their doors- knock & run away. 
{We have been doing this for years & have never been caught once. Close a few times but never caught in the act!}
My favorite part about doing this as a family is when we get done {we try to do 3 houses}the girls are so excited that we usually end up doing another 2 or 3 homes. 
-Em & Mace cutting out paper hearts-
{We have to double the sugar cookie recipe!}

We love to drive around the day after & see all the hearts on the doors of our friends. So happy to have these wonderful memories with my family of giving & sharing love with the people who we get to live around.

Happy baking!


  1. SO making those!
    always need a GOOD recipe for sugar cookies.
    thanks for sharing!!

  2. I remember when you had these at one of your H & H shows several years back. There are so good! (I still have the recipe card of this recipe when you gave it away with the cookies)

  3. Glad to hear that Lesa! I'll have to give them away again next year.

  4. Ah Ha, you've been caught. I loved the cute hearts and the cookies were GOOOOOODDD! Thanks, it's so nice to be remembered. I won't tell anyone else our little secret.


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