
Q {heart} tradition

 I love this month but it seems like it is quickly slipping by & I wanted to share some more of the fun little things we do as a family to celebrate Valentines Day.  I was digging through the Valentine plastic bin containers yesterday getting the rest of our decorations out & came across these-

I made these Valentine heart {pouches} back in 2004 for my girls {when I used to be into scrap booking} I got 2 pieces of 12x12 Cardstock, traced a heart shape, cut it out & then either stiched, staples, holepunched the 2 peices together to form a pocket pouch to put all their Valentines gifts in.  I designed each heart with each one of my girls in mind & made it unique for them.
{I probably should update them since it was 7 years ago but they don't seem to mind :)}
-an early Valentines morning in 2006-
Each year the girls set them out on their beds & find them filled up the next morning & hung either on their room door knobs, bed posts or off the dresser drawer knob.  They love getting up in the morning & finding these.  My favorite is when they run up the stairs in the morning & climb on our bed to look through them with us. 
{notice the bed head in the pictures- LOVE it} 
They are usually filled with a few little gifts, a shirt, & of coarse candy. You should see the secret stash of stuff I have ready to fill them up with this year- so fun!
{big wax lips or sucker lips are a must!}

-Em w/ her heart 2008-
I think I enjoy giving my girls something special for Valentines day because my Mom was always so cute & would give me a new shirt to wear to school that day. I always felt special & loved!  
{my favorite was a short sleeve white shirt w/ puffy sleeves & it had little red hearts all over it} 

Love this month- remember to share the LoVE!


  1. I can't believe how grown up your girls are! Looking at the picture of them from a few years ago to today. They were all just little girls the other day!

  2. Love those pictures. A&E's hair is amazing. Happy Valentine's to the Quigley girls!


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