
Oh, the places I go!


**AUGH- I wanted to share some pictures of our Valentines Dinner the other night but something is wrong w/ downloading the pictures of my camera- so maybe another day!**

Sometimes I just enjoy sitting at the computer & wondering aimlessly from blog to blog {does anyone else do that, or am I the only one??}  I like to check out a few of my favorites websites to hopefully spark my creativity.  So I thought it would be fun to share with you a few {part 1} of my HaPPy PLaCeS I like to go.

I have 3 friends {B,S & D} that "share" with me, by email, every Monday great party ideas, inspiring decorating projects, a shopping bargain they have come across or simply a fabulous blog to check out. That is how I came across this fun blog by
{A}nnie. {love that she loves brackets as much as I do}
I have to tell you that I was a "stalker" for a long time but finally got up the courage to leave her a comment last week & to my surprise she in turn left one on my blog. I was so excited! She even added my blog to her blog list, WOW, so I wanted to give her a shout-out on mine too.
{aren't making connections the BeST!}
-cute self photo of {A}nnie from her blog-
Thanks Annie, I am going to make it to Sonic one of these days to try a DC w/ Coconut & Lime!
 {maybe we could met & enjoy one together- I'll bring the bakers twine ;) }
I love her honesty, her love for her family, her religion, sharing life's daily trials & triumphs & showing off her decorating skills.
{Love her style}

Some of my other FaVS are-
{just click on the blog name to be linked over}

Gillar Girl  {decorator extraordinaire, party planner, wife & Mom-Tiffany}
Rhonna Designs {got to met this spunky cute lady at **SPaRK this year}

-one of Rhonna's fabulous creations-
Style me Pretty {my ALL TIME FAV- I've shared this before but it deserves another shout-out. So many amazing ideas!!}
Captures Photography Journal- {my creative friend Haley & her photography}
October Afternoon {love the name & the papers- charming!}
Three Potato Four- {wish I lived down the street from here- I would want to buy everything, so many great things}
-I adore the photography from 3 potato 4- love how they put everything{they are selling} together!-
Happy "Surfing!"

Psst... & remember don't be afraid to leave a comment because you might just make a new friend ;) {hint, hint!} 


  1. Melissa, Thanks for sharing. It was fun to look at those blogs

  2. OH i love you, I could count the ways YES--lets meet up with sonic and twine.
    How lovely! :)
    Im stealing your valenines song btw----mmmkay?

  3. Hi Melissa- just found your blog from Annie's blog! LOVE it! I'll definitely be back.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}