
Projects & dreams


Time to Flourish! {my one word for 2011}  
I have a long list of projects that I have been wanting to do for awhile now & this weekend I am hoping to tackle a few of them. {fingers crossed}So here they are in no particular order

I want to make this-
{a Framed Marque- with a great frame I got at the DI}

 I like the idea of changing this up all the time & thought it would be great in the hallway between my girls bedrooms.  Lots of space to write little love notes or a favorite quote or two
& with another frame this-
Except with the Duke BB schedule written on it & then BYU football games in the Fall in our family room.
{love this idea!}

& this
I have been collecting keys for awhile now & was given 2 great old keys from Tyler's Grandma GG that I think would be perfect in a lampshade. I want to make 2 lamps to place on our sofa table in our Great Room.

& I want to paint Miss Mace's room this weekend.
{we are thinking a lovely shade of Turquoise}
Does anyone out there have a shade they love or have used??  If you have any recommendations we would love to hear them.
Time to update her room & "TWeeN" it a little bit something that will be fun for her to be in. I am thinking very eclectic, hip & girly all at the same time.
& finally someday this-
I LOVE the idea of putting shades around all the windows in our home from A- to whatever.
{we have a lot of windows so it might come close to Z}
Thought it was such a clever & fun idea

& I wish I would have seen this picture before I carpeted the stairs, maybe when I get sick of the carpet this is what they will turn into.

I guess that's what I need to keep thinking about all these projects I have- one step at a time! Maybe eventually I will get them all done :)

Happy{long} Weekend everyone! 



  1. freaking out over those stairs!!
    i think i should rip the carpet up on the stairs
    oh how our husbands are so patient...... dieing!

  2. Saw this lady's ebay store with some snowflakes and bottle brush ornamnets and thought of you, so check it out...


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}