
My OLW {one little word}

 Drum roll please..........  my one little word for 2011 is-

Definition: vb.
1. to thrive, prosper
2. to be in a state of activity or production
3. to reach a height of development or influence
4. to make a bold and sweeping gestures {this one not so much}

Yeah!  I wanted a word that could carry on the way I felt & was inspired in 2010 by Stretch & I think I found it.  I am going to take everything I learned about myself last year & run with it!!  Make it bigger,  bolder & grander {It makes me feel like dancing & throwing in a big Flourish at the end}  I'm glad I chose another verb or action word so it requires me TO DO something.  I still want to keep keep stretching & growing as I learn new things & continue to work hard to accomplish goals. I want to not only flourish in my life but have it affect my children's lives, my marriage & my associations with others. 
Wa-hoo, I'm excited! {can you tell?? ;)}
Did you pick a word for the new year?  I'd love to hear if you did, be sure to tell me.

My whole family picked a word for themselves this year & here they are all written down on the white board for all to see & encourage one another throughout the year.  

-I liked how the girls just couldn't decide on 1 word so had to have a couple- lots to do in 2011-
I had a great day today going to a special place with my husband & running into one of my dearest friends, Becky, & her husband.  What a wonderful place to be able to go, I love it! 


-A quick picture from my goal planning lunch date with my guy that I mentioned on Monday-
It was a great way to start off the month & the NeW YeaR!!
{I really should get a littler planner so I don't have to haul around my big calender ;) }


  1. Audrey's is the best....obeying. Do you remember her note from school about not following instructions and Emily told us it was because she went to the bathroom and didn't come back? AJQ cracks me up. I'm working on figuring out my OLW. I'll have it before we come over on Saturday. I'm working on getting my paper, scissors & magazines ready. :)

  2. Yeah, looking forward to Sista & Miss Mace late-night magazine collaging for the NeW YeaR!! Can't wait to hear what your OLW is!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}