
Monday, Monday!

Yeah, for a new start to the week & a new month
{kids back in school, house put together, laundry going & watching Regis is peace & quiet this morning!}

Just wanted to share a quick picture of my Mantles on this Monday all put together for the month of January. 
I love to change out the decor of our home each month.
I'm such a seasonal person! 

-The upstairs mantle. I love when the light streams in from the windows & shines on the snowflakes & glass glittery #1-

-Downstairs mantle, all colorful as usual & full of retro sweetness!-

Hope you are off to a good start to the NeW YeaR!
One thing I look forward to the 1st week of each New Year is a lunch date with Ty to discuss our goals for this year.
{our personal goals, for our family, marriage, vacations, home etc.} 
It's a GREAT way to start the year! 
FYI-The best way to accomplish something is to WRITE it down! 

So off to Chili's I go with my notebook & pen :)


* P.S.- I know what my one little word for 2011 is I'll share it with you after I share it with my family tonight- excited!!*


  1. My favorite blog entry. I'm inspired now. Can you believe I just took my Christmas stuff down today. It took forever...I made my mantle simple, but got back out my Gittery houses after I saw yours. Your the bestest! Love the skates!

  2. Thanks, I do these posts just for you :) I would love to see a picture of the Boise mantle each month too. When is the C&C blog going to be up & running?? :)


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