
Dressy day

I learned something today- Playing dress-up is not just for Sundays-{wink, wink}
I started off the day getting dressed up to go here, went out to lunch w/ Ty, came home & then picked up Miss Mace from the bus stop to go get me a Diet Coke & her an after school treat! Then I chatted with my Sis Vaness in my kitchen while making Vegetable Tortellini soup- yummy!
-Such a great day! Maybe I should dress up more often ;) -
{Love my turquoise flower pin that I got from Leila Bird}

-My 1st self portrait. taken in our closet . Notice my window pane/bulletin board full of inspiring pictures & love notes from my girls.  I love looking at this everyday.  I need to write the word FLOURISH up on top!!



  1. Well if you are going to go out for "working" lunches several times a week, you better start dressing the part! Where's you fancy camera on your self portrait?

  2. hahaha, I still need to read all the instructions & manuals on how to run it. Have taken some pictures with it though- I went with a Nikon. Hope you'll still be my friend :)

  3. You know what would make that pin better? Some tickets on it. :) You looked super cute as always.

  4. Hi, Melissa. I love your flower pin. Are you going to have another boutique soon. I would love to get one, and some cute Valentine decor.

  5. Yeah, Angela, thanks for commenting!! :) Yes, there is going to be another H&H sweet show just in time for Valentines- I'll post about it soon!

  6. Oh I am kicking my self...I shoulda got a home tour when I was there!!!


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