
Day 22-


  1- Duke Basketball- Wa-hoo, Basketball season is here! I love watching my Blue Devils play.  I love to see the royal blue jerseys, Coach K on the sideline & my favorite player- Singler back on the basketball court this season. I need to get back to No. Carolina soon to see them play in Cameron Indoor.  Mace & I cheered & watched them play Marquette tonight.  I'm happy my girls like to watch them play.

2- Our Home- Especially on this cold, windy, snowy {about a foot in Mt. Green} today,  I'm grateful to have a home to live in.  I'm grateful for a furnace to keep us all warm too.
**{FYI- Tune into Studio 5 on Wednesday to see more of my home in the Happy Home segment}

3- My Community- I was able to go to the gym this morning for Zumba, with many friends & neighbors that live in Mt. Green. It was a great way to start the snowy, cold day off with a bang. I also went to volunteer in the girls class today at school.  I love seeing & interacting with so many wonderful people who live in Mt. Green.  It is a great area to belong too, I love living here!

Bundle up everyone- Winter is here!

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