
A little late {Sorry} Day 20 & Day 21

Sorry I'm late in posting my 3 grateful things from yesterday but I had a busy, delightful, crazy, loooong day!
I took Hollyhocks & Honeybees on it's 1st  road trip up to beautiful {chilly, snowy} Cache Valley- Lewiston to be exact!  The GReaTeST little town, if you ask me!  I had a wonderful day talking to so many old friends, family & people I have known my whole life.  So many terrific memories of growing up there.

So this is who I got to spend my day with:

My Mt. Green friends who took the trip along with me. {Thanks to Janet for roping us all into this!} 
Liz {cute hairbows} Janet {darling this & that stuff, created by herself & 2 other Mt. Green friends} Nicole {Leila Bird cuteness} & I
-Can you believe I get to live by all these talented & creative women!
Nicole & I had our booth by each other so we got to chat all day- fun times!
-She also followed me up to Lewiston today {her 1st trip up North} I'm sure at times she was wondering where the heck we were going & when we were going to get there! 

- Some Hollyhocks & Honeybees creations-

- I got to see so many of my family there, it was great! Lots of my cousins, my cousins' wives & these lovely ladies. My Aunts {who all live in Lewiston} & who I got to see almost everyday of my life growing up - LuCKY me!!
I missed getting a picture with my Aunt Diane & also my Mom, Vanessa & Mace- who were BIG helpers to me. It made setting up & taking down go so easy- thanks!!
So I'm grateful for -

1- Lewiston, Utah
2- Friends {Old & New}
3- Aunts!

I'm glad I got the time to reflect &  think back on yesterday & what to celebrate & be grateful for.

** Funny Story- So a lady came into my booth, while I was busy with a customer, & saw one of the paper wreaths & said to Nicole, "Oh, I saw one of these hanging on a door on a TV show I was watching this week." Nicole asked, "Was is Studio 5?" & the lady said, "Yes, it was" & then Nicole told her that it was my door she had seen it on.  She couldn't believe it, so we talked for a bit.  It was a funny moment for me to hear her talking about it & that it had been on TV.  Eeee~!  Still excited from being on Studio 5!   

Now Day 21-

I'm grateful that-

1- Surprise!!- Tyler got to come home for a second to grab some dinner, before going back to the church until 9:00 tonight.  It was good to see him for a bit. Sundays are a long day when we don't get to see him much.
2- Snow- Just that my girls got to play in it & have fun with their friends today.  Other than that I'm too happy for the snow :(  but I guess it's time.
3- Macey- She was such a BIG help to me yesterday & I'm glad she was able to sit by me at chruch today so I wasn't all alone.  It was the Primay Program today {love these} so Audrey & Em were involved & Tyler had to stay on the stand.  So I guess there is one good reason that Mace is growing up so fast, that now I have a buddy to sit with on these Sundays, thanks Mace!


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  1. So much fun to see you and meet Nicole, you guys had lots of cute stuff! So glad I was able to snatch some of it up!

  2. I stayed home with A&E and procrastinated putting the lights on the trees outside due to the major wind and rain. Still it would have been easier than trying to do it now with a foot of snow here in Mt. Green.


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