
Day 23-


Wow, I guess the Holidays are approaching or at least the preparations for the Holidays because I don't seen to have enough time in the day to get all the things done that I need to in the day.
So here are my thankful things for the 23rd-

1- My Mom {Happy Birthday to her!}
2- My kids artwork  I love to watch them rip open their packpacks everyday after school to unload the treasure they have made that day.  It makes me happy to see them excited to share what they have made during the day.I love having a giant magnet board in our mudroom to display all their art work.
-Em's Thankful Turkey-
3- Suviving the "BLiZZard" of 2010- okay, just kidding!  All the hype & not really anything that major but I was grateful to have all of my family safe & sound in our home when the wind was holwing & the snow was blowing all around.


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